Korean War AD-4

Inspiration Scene. VA-115 AD-4 being loaded for a strike in support of Marines at Inchon, October, 1950

           This is a project begun in July of 2022, but reprised in April of this year as the subject of a forthcoming eBook from KLP Publishing to be prepared for publication when the model is complete.  From time to time I will post a few updated progress photos here for interest and then announce when the eBook is ready for purchase from the publisher.

 The purpose of this project is to illustrate what sort of modifications need to be accomplished on any of the present Skyraider kits to accurately portray an early model attack bomber of the Korean War period.  The chosen subject also incorporates several advanced conversions and extensive super detailing.  We will be reproducing an early model AD-4 bomber assigned to US Navy Attack Squadron 115 (VA-115) based aboard USS Philippine Sea (CV-47) from July 1950 through March, 1951.

I will be using the Zoukei-Mura kit as opposed to the Trumpeter product because of its significantly more accurate outline and dimensions.  Even given this, almost every part of the kit will need to be either modified or replaced to bring the final product up to spec for detail as well as historic and technical accuracy.

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