Brill A-1 Ground Power Unit

This was my first attempt at creating this ubiquitous but enigmatic piece of ground equipment.  At the time no amount of research would reveal its designation or anything about it except for its nearly universal employment with USAF Skyraider units in SEA.  I had no drawings or specific information from which to work except for the photo record.  The dimensions were extrapolated from many hours of pouring over period photographs and measuring its lines against known sizes of other items close by; notably 55 gal barrels, fire extinguishers, revetment walls and so forth.  When I finally did locate all the information I could ever need to recreate it I was pleased to see I got the dimensions, if not the nitty-gritty detail, pretty much on spec.

It looks a little crude to me now, though it passes muster in my Sandy One diorama; but there are details which are not right, the louvers, control panel, wheel style and such, but given what I had to work with, I am happy with it for a first try.

Now, with a load of technical information in hand I am well along in creating CAD drawings to the end of 3D printing a much more accurate version.  When done, it will appear here in the Projects Section; in the meantime, here's how I did it "old school".


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